Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 91 : Can you see it ?

Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 91 : Can you see it ?

De la Toison au Tricot n° 91 : Chercher l’erreur ! Oh no ! Can you see it ? Mince ! Vous le voyez ? It’s easier to see when inside out ! Ça se voit davantage à l’envers ! Yes, it’s a classic problem. And normally I’m pretty careful about this....
Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 88 : Fugue Beret

Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 88 : Fugue Beret

De la Toison au Tricot n° 88 : Le Béret Fugue I wanted to make something really nice with Chti and Biche’s beautiful wool. And what could be more lovely than « Fugue », a beautiful beret designed by Kate Davies. This week I cast on and started knitting this...
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