Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 206 : Ready to Block
De la Toison au Tricot n° 206 : Prêt à Mettre en Forme Do you remember the little project that I began in 2021? It started with some beautiful rolags in June during the Tour de Fleece. Then, in August I started knitting a shawl. Vous souvenez-vous du petit projet que...
Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 201 : The Halstørkle Scarf
De la Toison au Tricot n° 201 : L’écharpe Halstørkle Last summer I spun a number of different skeins of angora rabbit wool; some of these skeins were spun from angora that was dyed blue-green. I decided to use a few of these skeins to knit the Halstrørkle...
Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 197 : Lace Edging
De la Toison au Tricot n° 197 : Bordure en Dentelle I’ve almost finished my shawl ! All I have to do is knit the lace edging. J’ai presque fini mon châle ! Il ne me reste que tricoter la bordure en dentelle. … to be continued … … à suivre...
Sheep to Sweater Sunday n° 195 : More Spinning
I just can’t stop spinning!
I’ve been spinning lots of angora rabbit wool : Several skeins of natural white yarn and one lovely skein of beautiful rose-burgundy.
I’ve also spun a lovely alpaca-Ouessant wool blend, dyed in striking blues and greens.